Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wrapping it all up

5 of the 7 team members are back in New York today after wrapping up a great trip.  We spent Friday finishing up the painting project, and hosting the junior youth of FCBC.  During our 3 hours with them, we focused on some singing, story, crafts and games. 

It was a great week and we can't believe it went by so quickly.  Definitely puts it in perspective when you spend the week focusing on what's important in life.  All of us agree that we got a lot more out of our service than we put in, and feel blessed to have shared the experience serving those in East London.  Thank you for your support along the way, and we can't wait to share more details and photos of our journey. 

As mentioned, we were able to finish up the cry room project, and left FCBC with a great new room that will hopefully brighten up the service for families for years to come.  We wanted to share a few photos of the 2 walls that were drawn out by Susan & Monique.

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