After church we headed to First City Baptist (our host church) to prepare for Holiday Bible Club (aka Vacation Bible School, VBS, in the States). While there we toured the local ministries the church offers, including the Sophumelela Centre (an AIDS clinic largely funded through the US gov't), a dignity house, Work for All (a professional skills program that serves the community) and Little Sparklers (a daycare and future school for children who are patients at the aforementioned Centre). All of these ministries have grown past expectations in their short time in existence, and there is still a lot of need. Pray that they will have the resources to continue to impact this community.

On Monday, after add'l prep for HBC, we had the privilege of heading out to Inkwenkwezi, a local game reserve, for lunch and an afternoon game drive. We were blown away by the site of impala (not the chevy), elephants, giraffes, lions and cheetahs. I (Jeremy) almost lost my shorts to an ostrich on the drive (I'll prove it to you on video when we return).
Today we kicked off HBC with 51 children...off to a great start, as they will bring their friends as the week goes on. We're off to lunch, and then headed to the local park in Southernwood for a cleanup project and playtime with local kids.
Photos of everything to be added soon...forgot the cord! Over and out, Anna, Jeremy and the rest of the team!
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